A lot has happened since the last time I posted something here. This year my youngest child graduated from High School. We did so many things differently with her than we did with her brothers. There is 6 years difference between her and he next brother. Since she was the only child left at home, it gave us time to concentrate on helping her achieve her goals and achieve she did!
So now I am officially an "empty nester". It is a new beginning for me, as I try to figure out how I want to spend my time and what I want to do with the rest of my life. I've been playing a lot since my daughter graduated in June. Kind of an adult celebration of freedom. With Fall on it's way, I'm having pangs of needing to be creative. Money is so tight for me right now and even though I inherited my daughter's "newer" laptop, I am still lacking a good printer/scanner so make my cards easier to make and more professional looking. Martha Stewart is running a contest for entrepreneur to win $10k to help jump start a business. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
So here's to new beginnings....good luck daughter of mine. Your future looks bright!